

导读 名词 n. [C]1.钉子The nail has been pulled out. 那只钉子拔出来了。 2.(手,脚的)指甲;(鸟,兽的)爪3.(鸟禽)喙上的硬甲壳及物动词...

名词 n. [C]1.钉子The nail has been pulled out. 那只钉子拔出来了。 2.(手,脚的)指甲;(鸟,兽的)爪3.(鸟禽)喙上的硬甲壳及物动词 vt. 1.钉,将...钉牢;使固定[O]We had the lids nailed on the boxes. 我们给箱子钉上盖子。 2.使(目光,注意力等)集中于[(+on/to)]Mr. Hunter kept his eyes nailed on the car in front of his. 亨特先生目不转睛地盯着他的前面一辆车子。 3.【口】抓住,捕获We finally nailed the thief. 最后我们把小偷抓住了。 4.【口】揭露,揭穿It did not take us long to nail that lie. 没多久我们就把谎言揭穿了。 5.击,打6.【棒】把(跑垒者)刺杀出局