
timi指什么 timi是什么意思

导读 今天来聊聊关于timi指什么,timi是什么意思的文章,现在就为大家来简单介绍下timi指什么,timi是什么意思,希望对各位小伙伴们有所帮助。1...


1、TIMI为(thrombolysis in myocardial infarction)的简写TIMI flow grade是用来评估各种溶血物质(thrombolytic agents)的功效.TIMI分四个等级TIMI grade 0 flow : complete occlusion of the coronary artery;TIMI grade 1 flow : some penetration of the obstruction by contrast material, but no perfusion of the distal coronary bed ;TIMI grade 2 flow : perfusion of the entire coronary artery, but with delayed flow compared to a normal artery;TIMI grade 3 flow : full perfusion with normal flow.。
